Tow Truck Online Training Certification

(1 customer review)


Tow Truck Safety Training Online, designed by trainers with 15+ years of onsite training experience. The estimated time for this training is 90 – 120 min.

  • OSHA-Authorized: OSHA-authorized courses that are reviewed yearly & updated to meet the latest standards.
  • Instant Access: After purchasing, you'll have immediate access to the online course.
  • Printable Certificates: Upon completion, you will receive a printable certificate and OSHA wallet card.
  • For Businesses: We offer company accounts and bulk discounts.



What’s in the Tow Truck Certification Course?

Our Tow Truck training course is regulation aligned, and our online version fulfills classroom training requirements. Each class contains sections on anatomy and pre-shift inspections, safe operations, common hazards, and more.

During this training, we will be taking a look at the basic anatomy and components of tow trucks. Additionally, we will focus on components that must be examined during pre-shift inspections. Next, we will cover safe tow truck operating procedures. This will cover principles such as how to safely use your tow truck, as well as safeguards so you may remain safe within the worksite.
Lastly, we will talk about common hazards that lead to injuries or fatalities and how to prevent, avoid, or minimize them. To reinforce the importance of following safe operations and identifying these hazards beforehand, we will provide case studies based on true accident profiles.

This presentation includes intermittent practice quiz questions to prepare for the final written exam included with the course. In addition to the written exam, this course also includes a checklist for employers to use when administering a practical exam as required by OSHA.

Estimated Training Length: Because everyone learns and progresses at different speeds, the amount of time you spend taking this training will vary. However, the estimated time for this training is 90 – 120 min.

Intended Audience:

  • Employees
  • Supervisors

OSHA Requirements: This course meets the following OSHA Requirements:

  • CFR 1910.132 – PPE General Requirements
  • CFR 1910.212 – General Requirements for All Machines
  • CFR 1926.600 – Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment, and Marine Operations
  • CFR 383.91- Operators of vehicles over 26,000 LBS must possess a CDL.
  • CFR 396.11- CDL operators must conduct a pre-shift inspection
  • CFR 395.8 – CDL operators must keep a logbook
  • CFR 390.21- CMVs must have an official DOT number

Why Take Our Online Tow Truck Training?

Our online training course provides a substantial, thorough, and effective way to learn how to work safely. We’ve been providing industry-specific safety training solutions for individuals, safety managers, and business owners for over 15 years.

The online course meets the classroom requirement for occupational safety training. It also includes a proficiency checklist that employers can use to perform a practical evaluation, in accordance with standards and regulations.

We have fine-tuned this training to provide you with the best experience possible. Our robust training approach gives an interactive experience that helps learners retain information and apply it on the job site, preventing costly accidents and fines. Safety training is an investment. That is why hundreds of companies and individuals all over the world trust the Hard Hat Training Series for their online training needs.

Why Buy Our Tow Truck Driver Training?

  • Complete Training: First and foremost our goal is to keep you safe and save you money. Don't risk getting expensive OSHA fines because you settled for a sub-par training program that didn't cover safety topics in depth. Train using a program that helps you retain what is learned so that it is put into practice on job sites.
  • Cost-Effective: Hiring a trainer to come on-site can be expensive. In contrast, our online curriculum lowers costs while still providing a professional training experience.
  • Records Tracking System: We offer an easy-to-use management system so that if you have multiple students who are receiving the training you can have access to all records, all-terrain certificates, observation guides and more! (contact us if you would like us to quickly create a company account for you)
  • Train Your Way: You can use this online training program for new hire training, refresher training or train remotely. Access it from anywhere and work on your schedule.
  • Interactive Learning: Special reminders and quiz questions throughout the course prep students for the final exam so that it is passed the first time.
  • Corporate License: Do you want to host this course on your own server? Contact us about obtaining broadcasting rights for this and any of our other online courses.

Do I need a CDL to drive and operate a Tow Truck?

CDL stands for “Commercial Driver’s License,” and whether you need one or not varies depending on the state in which you are operating as well as the weight of the loads you are towing. However, many companies require a CDL even if the state doesn’t. Of course, no matter what, you must have a standard state-issued driver’s license.

A CDL is typically required whenever your GCWR, or Gross combined vehicle weight rating, exceeds 26,000 pounds. Tow trucks can vary greatly in size and weight, as well as the loads you will be towing. This is why it is wise to obtain a CDL regardless of local regulations and laws.

To obtain a CDL, you will need to pass a skills test. The skills test involves a vehicle inspection test, basic controls test, and a road test.

Tow Truck Training Certification Course | Safety Certification

Towing can be a very hazardous profession. On a regular workday, tow truck drivers face a variety of dangers. The dangers include the risk of being struck while attempting to remove a vehicle, as well as the possibility of suffering injuries in crashes involving:

  • Roadside obstructions
  • Chemical spills
  • Other equipment

Poor tow truck driver safety procedures can cause serious injuries or even death on the job or on the road. Fortunately, OSHA establishes safety standards that operators and employers must adhere to. These standards are put in place in order to help keep all drivers safe. 

Government organizations and commercial companies must work together to keep roads safe. Accidents and system failures must be managed quickly and efficiently. Drivers of tow trucks respond to these occurrences and work as a team to load and move cars safely.

What is a Tow Truck Driver?

Tow truck operators are skillful drivers that are able to drive a variety of tow vehicles and operate related machinery. The majority of tow truck operators have a commercial driver’s license (CDL), and some of them may also be OSHA certified to drive tow trucks.

What Do They Do? 

Tow truck operators respond to requests for assistance from stranded or broken-down drivers. They load, move, and unload abandoned or illegally parked cars. Drivers of tow trucks evaluate the safety of a situation to decide when and how to remove a car safely from a road.

Different Types of Tow Trucks

Conventional Tow Truck

With conventional tow trucks, the axles and frame of the car being pulled must be encompassed by chains and large mechanical arms. The parts work together to raise two tires off the ground so that the car can be pulled while it is in neutral. Because of the potential damage they could cause while towing vehicles, tow truck drivers tend to use conventional tow trucks irregularly.

Wheel Lift Truck

Wheel lift trucks, sometimes known as “full float trucks,” are used to raise one of the axles of a vehicle off the ground. Wheel lift trucks use hydraulics as opposed to hooks and chains to lessen the risk of vehicle damage. The tow truck uses the remaining tires to pull the vehicle after two tires are lifted off the ground.

Flatbed Truck

Vehicles are loaded into flatbed trucks, sometimes known as “rollback trucks,” using a flatbed elevated onto a ramp. These trucks are used for transporting expensive vehicles or vehicles that do not have rotating tires.

OSHA Requirements For a Tow Truck Operator

As a tow truck operator, you must abide by a set of regulations established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This also applies to you if you are the fleet manager or the employer of a towing business. 

OSHA is the government agency in charge of safeguarding American workers. They do this by requiring employers to maintain “safe and healthful working conditions” for all employees. The term “working conditions” refers to hazards that a person might encounter while in the workplace. 

Employee Training

Fewer incidents occur when workers are aware of how to handle hazards and unsafe working conditions. Employees must receive proper training in order to understand and grasp safety procedures. Never presume that a worker has received training because of their prior employment. Employers should impose a 30-day probationary term and a road test on new drivers. Additionally, use recognized programs to instruct onboarding and refresher tow truck safety training classes.


It goes without saying that preventative maintenance is critical. It can prevent fatal accidents and reduce maintenance costs. Regular maintenance and frequent inspections of your truck and towing equipment are recommended. Never try to pull a car that is heavier than what your towing equipment is capable of handling.

Rigging Equipment

The rigging of equipment for handling towed vehicles is subject to a number of OSHA regulations for tow truck drivers. You must make certain that rigging equipment:

  • Has permanently affixed markings that include the manufacturer’s recommended safe working load
  • Is inspected before use during each shift and removed from service if found to be defective
  • Is never used to lift more than its recommended safe working load


Tow truck drivers on the site are protected by high-visibility vests. Even at night, workers may be seen and avoided by incoming vehicles thanks to reflective clothing. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHA), tow truck operators must wear green, yellow, or orange fluorescent safety vests when working close to or on the side of a federal highway. 

Gloves can also be essential protective equipment, particularly if an accident has left a disabled car on the road. Operators are shielded from shattered glass or metal near a crash site by thick gloves.

Worksite Safety

Driving defensively can keep operators safe as they travel to and from destinations. They must always follow safety measures when they arrive at the site of a disabled car. Use handrails and running boards, for instance, when getting into and out of the truck. 

Whenever possible, tow truck operators should park where the truck will be able to block oncoming traffic. If they can rig the disabled car with remote controls, all the better. Injury risks are reduced if the tow truck driver does not have to get out in order to attach the disabled car.

Other Laws & Regulatory Bodies

Tow truck drivers are protected at work by OSHA regulations, which outline guidelines for companies to adhere to, such as maintaining safe working conditions and setting reasonable work hours for employees. 

OSHA is not the only organization that controls tow truck driver safety, though. Federal laws that affect the health and safety of commercial vehicle operators at work are also enforced by the Department of Transportation (DOT). The OSHA statute permits other federal agencies’ rules to take precedence over their own if they intervene to control safety and circumstances; as a result, there are no conflicting requirements.

Department of Transportation Jurisdiction

When commercial vehicles like tow trucks are operated, the DOT has jurisdiction. For example, the DOT is in charge of overseeing truck drivers’ activities, especially while they are operating their vehicles on federal roadways. Some of these activities include: 

  • The licensing of vehicles
  • The proper chocking and blocking of the wheels
  • The proper application of the brakes
  • The usage of seatbelts
  • The roadworthiness of the vehicles 

However, the loading and unloading that occurs off the highway falls under OSHA jurisdiction. The driver is also subject to OSHA regulations if they respond to a hazardous chemical or fuel spill. The safety of commercial vehicle maintenance and repair is also governed by OSHA.

Despite which governing body has jurisdiction, tow truck drivers must abide by all safety regulations. Complying with these standards and procedures will assist in keeping operators safe on the job. 

Tow truck drivers can also be protected from hazards and employer liability by being well-versed in the safety standards. With the help of proper employee training, including road tests and tow truck safety programs.

Truck Driver Qualifications According To Employers

To operate a tow truck, you must be at least 18 years old. However, because it’s frequently desired that operators have some experience, the average required age is usually between 21 and 25, meaning that most employers will require you to be at least 21 years old. 

Physical Fitness

You are required to possess a certain amount of physical strength due to the harsh demands of this profession. In addition to using heavy machinery and moving large objects, you may need to dig a car out of the snow. As an operator, you will need to have great eyesight and hearing. These qualities will help you drive and operate machinery safely and stay alert no matter where you are working.

Being physically healthy, however, is not enough. Being a tow truck driver can be mentally taxing and demanding at times. You may spend the entire day negotiating traffic, battling the elements, and settling disputes with disgruntled vehicle owners. Therefore, you will need to maintain your professional composure even under pressure.

Valid Driver’s License

Well, this one should go without saying. If you wish to drive a tow truck, you must have both a current, state-issued driver’s license as well as a spotless driving record. Your ability to work as a tow truck operator may be impacted by points issued against you for offenses like speeding or traffic infractions. In addition to that, you must be a skilled and safe driver.

Clean Background Check

A criminal background check is often required for tow truck drivers because they handle and move valuable objects. You might also be asked to submit to a drug test given that you will be driving and operating heavy machinery.

Proper Education & Training

Although a specific degree is not required, having a diploma or GED provides you an advantage when applying to be a tow truck driver. Additionally, you can learn important skills by working as an apprentice or by shadowing experienced drivers. You’ll be prepared to take on the last step—your certification—with these under your belt, along with some on-the-job training that enables you to master policies and safety procedures.

Tow Truck Driver Licensing & Certification 

A commercial driver’s license is required to operate a tow truck. Having one before applying for a job can offer you a significant advantage over other applicants and increase your chances of being hired.

You can then progress through the three certification levels. Completing all three will make you a versatile, well-rounded candidate capable of operating any kind of tow truck. It will also show that you will be able to take on any kind of towing job. These three levels of certification come after you have secured a job and have taken and completed an OSHA Aligned safety training course. The three levels of certification include:

Level 1

Light-Duty – To qualify for this first tier, you must pass a final exam, complete all state driving criteria for light-duty training, and have driven a tow truck for 90 days within the previous five years. 

Level 2

Heavy Duty – To qualify for this mid-level certification, you must work as a recovery operator for one year. You must also have experience as a medium- to heavy-duty tow truck driver for one year. You should also already have beginner-level certification.

Level 3

Heavy Recovery – Prerequisites for this level include your CDL, necessary endorsements, level two certification, and two years of prior professional experience.

Common Hazards That Tow Trucks Operators Face

Operating a tow truck is one of the riskiest occupations in the US. One of the main reasons behind this is that they must load and tow vehicles on the side of the road. According to the National Safety Council, tow truck drivers are 15 times more likely to die on the job than workers in other industries. Sixty-four percent of these fatalities are the result of collisions with other motor vehicles. The second leading cause of death in this industry is contact with objects and equipment.

Distracted Drivers 

For all drivers, distractions are a major contributing factor to accidents. A distracted driver is a driver who:

  • Is not watching the road
  • Doesn’t have both hands on the wheel
  • Has their mind on other things

Common causes of driving distractions include:

  • Using a cell phone for texting or other purposes
  • Conversing with other passengers
  • Eating or drinking
  • Environmental distractions (other cars, accidents, and billboards)

Tow truck workers risk getting struck while working on the side of the road if a driver is not paying attention, which is why distractions can be fatal.

Reckless Drivers

The likelihood that a driver may cause an accident increases if they choose to drive too fast, pass other vehicles when it’s not allowed, or tailgate. A tow truck operator who is already on the site of an accident will be put at risk if someone is driving too quickly or performing dangerous maneuvers nearby.

Dangerous Work Areas

Tow truck drivers make their living by helping out stranded motorists. These drivers are frequently stranded in hazardous locations that may put tow truck operators in the way of environmental hazards.

Maneuvering Through Heavy Traffic

There is a stark difference between driving a tow truck that is loaded and driving one that is not. Untrained drivers run the danger of making a mistake that could result in a fatality when trying to navigate a large truck through traffic.


Tow truck operators perform labor-intensive work and frequently put in a lot of overtime. When tow truck drivers operate while they are sleepy, they compromise the safety of themselves as well as other drivers. It is important that tow truck drivers know how to keep themselves alert when operating a truck.

Blind Spots

Nearly all vehicles have blind spots, or areas along the sides, front, and back of the car that the driver cannot see in their rearview or side view mirrors. Large trucks can, therefore, have sizable blind zones that can endanger a smaller car passing close by. This is particularly true if the smaller car remains in the truck driver’s blind spot and the operator fails to see it when trading lanes.

Stopping Distance

The greater the vehicle’s weight, the greater the stopping distance needed for a safe stop. Tow trucks can weigh up to 10,000 pounds or more, requiring a greater stopping distance than the typical car or truck. On snowy or rainy roads, this distance only grows.

Wide Turns

When making tight curves, like those on many city streets, larger trucks have a tendency to make wide turns, which causes them to swing out into adjacent traffic lanes. Unaware drivers risk having their car wedged between the tow truck and the curb or getting hit by or crushed under the tow truck as it turns.

Roll-Away Hazards

A tow truck poses more risks due to its particular design and function, in addition to the risks that heavy trucks generally pose. Roll-away hazards exist that may result in serious injury or death to individuals standing or working in the roll-away zone. 

The roll-away zone is directly behind the truck. Most tow trucks elevate the vehicle being towed onto the flatbed of the truck and also remove towed automobiles from the truck using an electric or hydraulic winch. A roll-away accident can occur due to mishaps such as:

  • Failure of the tow truck driver to stop the vehicle from rolling by placing a block of wood or other object where they expect it to stop.
  • Failure of a tow truck driver to verify that the winch is locked after removing extra cable to attach it to the towed car.
  • Failure of the tow truck driver to secure the winch when the towed vehicle is on the slanted deck of the carrier.
  • During winch recovery, the towed vehicle disengages from the free-spool, disconnect, or cable separation.

What Kind of Tow Truck Training Do I Need?

One of the most important things to watch for when looking for a tow truck course is whether or not the course is OSHA Aligned. Any safety training course you take should adhere to OSHA regulations. 

The next most important feature of a safety course is that it covers the necessary topics. Fortunately for you, our Tow Truck Safety Training Course is OSHA-complaint and covers all the necessary safety topics. The following is an outline of our course and the information it contains. 


Tow truck safety training courses should cover the interior and exterior anatomy of the truck. It should also cover how to perform proper inspections on all of the components. Some of the interior components are:

  • Seats and seatbelts
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Mirror
  • Windows
  • Interior controls
  • Mobility check
  • Back up alarms and lights
  • Horn

Some of the exterior components are:

  • Chassis
  • Truck body
  • Tires and wheels
  • Lights
  • Engine

Some of the towing components are:

  • Hydraulic system
  • Boom
  • Cables and winches
  • Snatch and block
  • Chains
  • Towing devices
  • Dollies
  • Flatbeds
  • Outriggers

Operator Prerequisites

If you want to be considered a safe operator and follow the rules, you must meet specific qualifications before you can work with a tow truck. Read the operator’s manual and get the necessary training and licensing, among other things.


Just as important as standard operating procedures are pre-operative procedures. During this time, you should choose and put on the appropriate PPE, do a pre-shift check, and keep an eye out for defects.

Safe Traveling

It is advised that you map out your route to and from the towing location before you even arrive at the job site. Avoid hazard-prone areas as much as you can, such as construction zones, highways with steep corners, and the like. If you must drive through these regions, exercise caution to prevent equipment damage and personal injury. Some other things that are important to operator travel safety are:

  • Reporting your departure
  • Proper mounting and dismounting
  • Adhering to traffic laws
  • Driving defensively

Towing a Vehicle

You must keep pedestrians away from the tow truck and the disabled car while the towing operation is in progress. Anyone too close to the truck or vehicle runs the risk of being critically hurt or killed by pinch points, moving hydraulics, and other dangers, even during routine operations. These risks are significantly more likely to occur if your tools break down or if you’re lifting a car the wrong way. Some other important topics that this portion of the training covers are:

  • Reporting your departure
  • How to safely merge into traffic
  • How to monitor the disabled vehicle

Other Training Options:

We offer two other types of training for this course. The other training types are DIY training kits and a train the trainer certification course. An identical final exam and OSHA-aligned safety training certificate applies, no matter which of the three format options you choose below.

online safety training

Currently Viewing: Online Training

Our online trainings are great for those who want to learn at their own pace and on their own time. Online trainings can be completed from any location, eliminating the need for expensive seminars.

Employers can assign employees specific trainings and keep track of their progress and exam scores. We also offer group trainings, company accounts, and even bulk discounts for businesses.

This is the current option

train the trainer safety training

Training Kit

Our kits are the perfect resource for those who want the freedom of training employees themselves. Unlike traditional trainings that are taken once, the kit offers a complete initial training as well as activities and materials to train employees long after they’ve been certified.

These materials include practical evaluations, exams, toolbox trainings, accident profiles, ect.

View DIY Training Kit
train the trainer safety training

Train the Trainer

Train-the-trainer courses allow employers to take full control of the training process. Employees who take these courses are fully certified to use the training kit and train others.

This means that employers can hold training seminars and courses without the need for third-party trainers. We will also include a training presentation and materials to train others.

View Train the Trainer

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Online Safety Training FAQs

What does each online class cover?

Generally speaking, each course covers an overview of the topic, detailed explanation of relevant equipment, safe operating practices, common hazards to avoid, and hazard control measures.

How long is the course?

Trainees go at their own pace, but in general each class (including the exam) takes anywhere from 2 to 2.5 hours. We recommend planning for two or more so you don’t end up rushing through the exam.

Are these courses OSHA-aligned?

All of our Hard Hat Training online courses were built and continue to be updated by our trainers and inspectors using OSHA and ANSI guidelines. But it is important to understand that by OSHA-aligned, we mean it follows to the best of our ability the best practices and safety principles put forth by OSHA. In an online format, it is not possible to cover every code for every situation or hazard across every industry. For this reason, our safety training solutions are tools to further knowledge and help employers train and/or certify their crew. But just because a course or program is OSHA-aligned it does not necessarily mean a company as a whole will be aligned or avoid citation if OSHA were to audit them. There is so much more that goes into collective company alignment with OSHA. For example, workers need to be observed applying in the field what they learned in the classroom. This observation/practical exam should be done by trainers, supervisors, or other designated competent persons. Whether you use our training kits or online courses, we provide guides to help employers do this. Other things that need to be done for ultimate alignment may include but are not limited to: addressing with your crew any gaps in the training or additional hazards or principles specific to your work situation; creating, training on, and enforcing and abiding by written safety programs (also known as plans or procedures); and performing regular inspections and risk assessments.

Are the e-learning classes up-to-date with OSHA standards?

Yes, all of our Hard Hat Training online courses are up-to-date with the latest OSHA standards. As standards change, we make changes to the courses. If you purchase any of our online courses outright, though, it will then be your responsibility to update the course in accordance with any changes to the standard.

Does this course certify or qualify me?

There is a lot of confusion among operators and even companies about what it means to be certified or qualified. Simply put, no, a course does not certify anyone, only an employer does. Or, in other words, because it is the employer’s responsibility to make sure an employee is properly trained, it is also his or her responsibility to say when the employee is “certified,” “qualified,” or “competent.” The online courses, like our training kits on CD or USB Drive or even live training via a 3rd party, is just a tool to help them in doing so.

According to OSHA, all operators of heavy equipment must receive operator training. Proper training must include a classroom portion including a written exam, as well as a practical hands-on portion/exam wherein the operator is observed operating the machine. The online course satisfies the required classroom portion of the training. Upon completion of the course and written exam, the safety administrator of the company will receive a checklist which can be used to observe the trainee on the machine. When done successfully, the administrator signs the bottom of the form. At this point, unless further training is required by your employer, you have done everything required by OSHA to be considered by your employer as “certified,” “qualified,” or “competent.”

If I pass this class and exam can I take my certification and get a job anywhere?

See “Does this course certify me?” This will depend on your employer. Remember, it is their responsibility to see that you are trained and if there is ever an accident, it is they who will have to prove to OSHA that they trained you sufficiently. Because of this, while some smaller businesses may simply accept your certificate and a copy of your test, more often than not they will require you to go through their own training program. This is their right to do so. It is their further responsibility to train you in accordance with the job, site, equipment, etc. Having said that, we have fielded many calls from potential employers who wanted to learn more about the classroom portion of the training we offered. After hearing our explanation, they accepted the online class as satisfying the classroom portion of the required training and proceeded to do their own practical.

How long is the training good for?

OSHA standards dictate that safety certification needs to be completed at least once every three years. Since no online course can provide “certification,” these courses will combine with your onsite practical training to fulfill OSHA’s requirements for up to three years. Having said that, refresher training is required sooner if an employee changes sites or jobs, is asked to operate a different type of the equipment, is involved in a near-miss or accident, or is observed operating the machine in a dangerous manner.

Will I get a certificate?

Yes, upon successful completion of the course and exam, you will have immediate electronic access to your test, a certificate, and a checklist you can use for the practical hands-on portion of the training. Simply print them off

How many people can use this course? Can I play it for several employees at the same time?

When a course is assigned to an employee, only that employee can take the course. There are many reasons for this, but most importantly the course is designed to train that one employee per OSHA regulations. Also, there is a final written exam at the end that will be linked to the trainee assigned. OSHA requires proof of training and if multiple people were to sit in on that one course, they would not get credit for taking it.

Can I resell these trainings?

We do have resale options available. Contact us regarding resale opportunities.

How do I Look Up My OSHA Alignment Safety Certification?

So, you have already purchased a course from us, taken the online training, and passed the certifaction exam with flying colors. Now what? Most people want to print off a copy of thier OSHA Alignment Safety Certification and keep it for your records. Learn how to do that.

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1 review for Tow Truck Online Training Certification

  1. Moses Vargas

    OSHA Training courses are there to help us all, this course was a benefit to my safety and my job. I will recommend it to other drivers singed ( Joeys Towing)

    • Hard Hat Training (verified owner)

      Thank you so much! We try to keep our trainings informative as well as interactive. We are glad to know that you have found this to be the case. Thank you again!

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Bulk Discounts

Bulk discounts are avalible when you order multiple courses or credits. Please call (888) 360-8764 for price approval.

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Print Details

Want to print training course information and show it to others? See our informational, printable PDF document and print ourself a copy.

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Demo Course

If further information is needed, companies can request to demo the training course. Call (888) 360-8764 to request this service.

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How Does Online Training Work?

Each employee or individual takes the online course at their own pace. Quiz questions are included along the way to prepare for the final exam (Employers or managers may assign employees to specific safety courses). Quiz questions are included along the way to prepare for the final exam.

Instant access to your safety certification and wallet card is granted when the online course is completed and the subsequent online exam is passed. Once the online exam is passed, administer the practical exam. We suggest correcting any mistakes and having the trainee initial the edit on the practical exam sheet. Congratulations! You have finished your online safety training course.


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