Excavation and Trench Safety Online Training

(5 customer reviews)


Excavation and trench safety safety online training, designed by trainers with 15+ years of onsite training experience. The estimated time for this training is 90 – 120 min.

  • OSHA-Authorized: OSHA-authorized courses that are reviewed yearly & updated to meet the latest standards.
  • Instant Access: After purchasing, you'll have immediate access to the online course.
  • Printable Certificates: Upon completion, you will receive a printable certificate and OSHA wallet card.
  • For Businesses: We offer company accounts and bulk discounts.

SKU: O-0394 Categories: , , ,


What’s in Excavation and Trench Safety Course?

Our Excavation and Trench Safety training online course is regulation aligned, and our online version fulfills OSHA’s classroom training requirement. Each class contains sections on competency, soil classification, protective systems, atmosphere, common hazards and more. This presentation includes intermittent practice quiz questions to prepare for the final written exam included with the course. In addition to the written exam, this course also includes a checklist for employers to use when administering a practical exam, as required.

Estimated Training Length: Because everyone learns and progresses at different speeds, the amount of time you spend taking this training will vary. However, the estimated time for this training is 90 – 120 min.

Intended Audience:

  • Employees
  • Supervisors

OSHA Requirements: This course meets the following OSHA Requirements:

  • 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P
  • 29 CFR 1926.650-Scope, Application, and definitions
  • 29 CFR 1926.651- Specific Excavation Requirements
  • 29 CFR 1926.652- Requirements for protective systems
  • 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P App A- Soil Classification
  • 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P App B- Sloping and Benching
  • 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P App C- Timber Shoring for Trenches
  • 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P App D- Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring for Trenches
  • 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P App E- Alternatives to Timber Shoring
  • 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P App F- Selection of Protective Systems
  • 29 CFR 1926.20, General Safety and Health Provisions, training
  • 29 CFR 1926.21, Training and Education

Why Take Our Online Trench & Excavation Safety Training?

Our online training course provides a substantial, thorough, and effective way to learn how to work safely. We’ve been providing industry-specific safety training solutions for individuals, safety managers, and business owners for over 15 years.

The online course meets the classroom requirement for occupational safety training. It also includes a proficiency checklist that employers can use to perform a practical evaluation, in accordance with standards and regulations.

We have fine-tuned this training to provide you with the best experience possible. Our robust training approach gives an interactive experience that helps learners retain information and apply it on the job site, preventing costly accidents and fines. Safety training is an investment. That is why hundreds of companies and individuals all over the world trust the Hard Hat Training Series for their online training needs.

Why Buy Our Online Excavation and Trench Safety Training?

  • Complete Training: First and foremost our goal is to keep you safe and save you money. Don't risk getting expensive OSHA fines because you settled for a sub-par training program that didn't cover safety topics in depth. Train using a program that helps you retain what is learned so that it is put into practice on job sites.
  • Cost-Effective: Hiring a trainer to come on-site can be expensive. In contrast, our online curriculum lowers costs while still providing a professional training experience.
  • Records Tracking System: We offer an easy-to-use management system so that if you have multiple students who are receiving the training you can have access to all records, all-terrain certificates, observation guides and more! (contact us if you would like us to quickly create a company account for you)
  • Train Your Way: You can use this online training program for new hire training, refresher training or train remotely. Access it from anywhere and work on your schedule.
  • Interactive Learning: Special reminders and quiz questions throughout the course prep students for the final exam so that it is passed the first time.
  • Corporate License: Do you want to host this course on your own server? Contact us about obtaining broadcasting rights for this and any of our other online courses.

Why Do I Need Trench Safety Training?

In line with regulations, anyone who works in and around trenches must receive training prior to working on their own. While requirements for refresher training related to forklifts or other processes are very specific. Most other equipment doesn’t have such specific requirements, but it’s wise to follow the same guidelines.

When it comes to refresher training, the standards in some instances (like forklifts) are very specific: operators must be re-evaluated every three years to see if they are still competent to operate the equipment. Best practices say to apply this same rule to all types of equipment. A so-called “free-pass” cannot be awarded based on experience, age, or time on the job. The extent of the evaluation is to be determined by the employer, but should include a written and practical examination that prove continued competency.

Frequently Asked Questions

About our Trench Training

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Trenches are extremely common on work-sites around the world & excavation is a key part of most construction related jobs. According to OSHA, excavation work has a 112% higher fatality rate than the rest of the general construction industry. That’s why we offer complete trench safety training programs to help you meet OSHA’s requirements for trench training. Whether you need to train your trenching workers on-site, online or in a classroom; we have several options that meet your needs. Hundreds of companies and individuals around the world trust our professional training programs.

What is covered in our trench training and certification program?

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  • Soil Classification & Types
  • Shoring Systems – Hydraulic, Timber, Etc.
  • Trench Collapse Types
  • General Trench Requirements
  • OSHA Regulations (29 CFR § 1926 Sub-part P)
  • Hazardous Scenarios
  • Much More!

Did You Know This About Trench Safety?

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The number one cause of injury in trenches is due to collapse; which occurs when employees are not properly trained to work safely in different types of soils, weather conditions or from not using proper shoring techniques. Couple these issues with heavy construction machinery and there can be a recipe for disaster. Our online programs, training kits and onsite training provide you with the expertise needed to become OSHA Aligned (see 29 CFR 1926.65) and to avoid costly mistakes.

What are OSHA requirements for trenches?

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OSHA has specific instructions found in 29 CFR 1926.650 – 29 CFR 1926.652. These standards state that keeping employees safely is the primary concern. The three main areas of regulation to ensure safety are design of the excavation, protection systems, and inspection.

What is trench safety?

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Because excavations are prone to caving in and other potentially fatal accidents, OSHA has stringent requirements to keep employees safe in and around trenches and holes. These regulations and other advice comprise a body of best practices we call “trench safety.”

What are OSHA’s three principles for trench safety?

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When designing or creating a trench for human entry, one of three methods must be used to prevent cave-ins: the walls should be sloped or benched, shored with support, or shielded with trench boxes.

How can we be safe around trenches?

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In addition to designing the trench for safety, all employees provide a safe way to enter and exit a trench, the edges of the trench are kept clear of hazards, and the trench is inspected before employees enter the trench. Employees should also always beware of standing water or threatening weather.

Other Training Options:

We offer two other types of training for this course. The other training types are DIY training kits and a train the trainer certification course. An identical final exam and OSHA-aligned safety training certificate applies, no matter which of the three format options you choose below.

online safety training

Currently Viewing: Online Training

Our online trainings are great for those who want to learn at their own pace and on their own time. Online trainings can be completed from any location, eliminating the need for expensive seminars.

Employers can assign employees specific trainings and keep track of their progress and exam scores. We also offer group trainings, company accounts, and even bulk discounts for businesses.

This is the current option

train the trainer safety training

Training Kit

Our kits are the perfect resource for those who want the freedom of training employees themselves. Unlike traditional trainings that are taken once, the kit offers a complete initial training as well as activities and materials to train employees long after they’ve been certified.

These materials include practical evaluations, exams, toolbox trainings, accident profiles, ect.

View DIY Training Kit
train the trainer safety training

Train the Trainer

Train-the-trainer courses allow employers to take full control of the training process. Employees who take these courses are fully certified to use the training kit and train others.

This means that employers can hold training seminars and courses without the need for third-party trainers. We will also include a training presentation and materials to train others.

View Train the Trainer

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Managers: Take complete control of your safety training by requesting your custom branch now! We will respond within one business day. Need it now? Call us at (888) 360-8764 for immediate assistance. We are open on Monday through Friday, 8 AM (CST) to 8 PM (CST).

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Online Safety Training FAQs

What does each online class cover?

Generally speaking, each course covers an overview of the topic, detailed explanation of relevant equipment, safe operating practices, common hazards to avoid, and hazard control measures.

How long is the course?

Trainees go at their own pace, but in general each class (including the exam) takes anywhere from 2 to 2.5 hours. We recommend planning for two or more so you don’t end up rushing through the exam.

Are these courses OSHA-aligned?

All of our Hard Hat Training online courses were built and continue to be updated by our trainers and inspectors using OSHA and ANSI guidelines. But it is important to understand that by OSHA-aligned, we mean it follows to the best of our ability the best practices and safety principles put forth by OSHA. In an online format, it is not possible to cover every code for every situation or hazard across every industry. For this reason, our safety training solutions are tools to further knowledge and help employers train and/or certify their crew. But just because a course or program is OSHA-aligned it does not necessarily mean a company as a whole will be aligned or avoid citation if OSHA were to audit them. There is so much more that goes into collective company alignment with OSHA. For example, workers need to be observed applying in the field what they learned in the classroom. This observation/practical exam should be done by trainers, supervisors, or other designated competent persons. Whether you use our training kits or online courses, we provide guides to help employers do this. Other things that need to be done for ultimate alignment may include but are not limited to: addressing with your crew any gaps in the training or additional hazards or principles specific to your work situation; creating, training on, and enforcing and abiding by written safety programs (also known as plans or procedures); and performing regular inspections and risk assessments.

Are the e-learning classes up-to-date with OSHA standards?

Yes, all of our Hard Hat Training online courses are up-to-date with the latest OSHA standards. As standards change, we make changes to the courses. If you purchase any of our online courses outright, though, it will then be your responsibility to update the course in accordance with any changes to the standard.

Does this course certify or qualify me?

There is a lot of confusion among operators and even companies about what it means to be certified or qualified. Simply put, no, a course does not certify anyone, only an employer does. Or, in other words, because it is the employer’s responsibility to make sure an employee is properly trained, it is also his or her responsibility to say when the employee is “certified,” “qualified,” or “competent.” The online courses, like our training kits on CD or USB Drive or even live training via a 3rd party, is just a tool to help them in doing so.

According to OSHA, all operators of heavy equipment must receive operator training. Proper training must include a classroom portion including a written exam, as well as a practical hands-on portion/exam wherein the operator is observed operating the machine. The online course satisfies the required classroom portion of the training. Upon completion of the course and written exam, the safety administrator of the company will receive a checklist which can be used to observe the trainee on the machine. When done successfully, the administrator signs the bottom of the form. At this point, unless further training is required by your employer, you have done everything required by OSHA to be considered by your employer as “certified,” “qualified,” or “competent.”

If I pass this class and exam can I take my certification and get a job anywhere?

See “Does this course certify me?” This will depend on your employer. Remember, it is their responsibility to see that you are trained and if there is ever an accident, it is they who will have to prove to OSHA that they trained you sufficiently. Because of this, while some smaller businesses may simply accept your certificate and a copy of your test, more often than not they will require you to go through their own training program. This is their right to do so. It is their further responsibility to train you in accordance with the job, site, equipment, etc. Having said that, we have fielded many calls from potential employers who wanted to learn more about the classroom portion of the training we offered. After hearing our explanation, they accepted the online class as satisfying the classroom portion of the required training and proceeded to do their own practical.

How long is the training good for?

OSHA standards dictate that safety certification needs to be completed at least once every three years. Since no online course can provide “certification,” these courses will combine with your onsite practical training to fulfill OSHA’s requirements for up to three years. Having said that, refresher training is required sooner if an employee changes sites or jobs, is asked to operate a different type of the equipment, is involved in a near-miss or accident, or is observed operating the machine in a dangerous manner.

Will I get a certificate?

Yes, upon successful completion of the course and exam, you will have immediate electronic access to your test, a certificate, and a checklist you can use for the practical hands-on portion of the training. Simply print them off

How many people can use this course? Can I play it for several employees at the same time?

When a course is assigned to an employee, only that employee can take the course. There are many reasons for this, but most importantly the course is designed to train that one employee per OSHA regulations. Also, there is a final written exam at the end that will be linked to the trainee assigned. OSHA requires proof of training and if multiple people were to sit in on that one course, they would not get credit for taking it.

Can I resell these trainings?

We do have resale options available. Contact us regarding resale opportunities.

How do I Look Up My OSHA Alignment Safety Certification?

So, you have already purchased a course from us, taken the online training, and passed the certifaction exam with flying colors. Now what? Most people want to print off a copy of thier OSHA Alignment Safety Certification and keep it for your records. Learn how to do that.

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Explore Employee Training Solutions Designed for Your Business

  • Flexible LMS Solutions: Leverage our top-rated training platform with access to all training records and advanced reporting, or integrate easily with your existing platform
  • Personalized Support: Benefit from a dedicated account team providing support for implementation and ongoing management
  • Corporate Incentives: Receive custom pricing and flexible payment options tailored to your business needs

Typical response time is less than 24 hours.

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5 reviews for Excavation and Trench Safety Online Training

  1. Adam R.


    • Hard Hat Training

      Hi Adam. We are glad you liked the training! Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. Please let us not if we can help you with any other training in the future! And thanks for choosing Hard Hat Training.

  2. Ulises B.

    It was lit

    • Hard Hat Training

      Hello Ulises,

      We are glad you liked the training! Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. Please let us know if we can help you with any other training in the future! And thanks for choosing Hard Hat Training.

  3. Legend C.

    the course was difficult but very good

  4. Jonathan S.

    very informative

  5. Marlon Chapman

    I like the efforts you have put in this, regards for all the great content.

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More Information

train the trainer lifetime certifcation

Bulk Discounts

Bulk discounts are avalible when you order multiple courses or credits. Please call (888) 360-8764 for price approval.

Call (888) 360-8764
online safety training

Print Details

Want to print training course information and show it to others? See our informational, printable PDF document and print ourself a copy.

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demo out train the trainer certifcation

Demo Course

If further information is needed, companies can request to demo the training course. Call (888) 360-8764 to request this service.

View Outline

How Does Online Training Work?

Each employee or individual takes the online course at their own pace. Quiz questions are included along the way to prepare for the final exam (Employers or managers may assign employees to specific safety courses). Quiz questions are included along the way to prepare for the final exam.

Instant access to your safety certification and wallet card is granted when the online course is completed and the subsequent online exam is passed. Once the online exam is passed, administer the practical exam. We suggest correcting any mistakes and having the trainee initial the edit on the practical exam sheet. Congratulations! You have finished your online safety training course.


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