//for thinkyou.php code popup // $( ".product_cat-on-osha button.single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt, .product_cat-on-spanish button.single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt, .product_cat-cal-online button.single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt" ).wrap( "" ); // jQuery('.popup-inner').prepend(jQuery("x

Are you buying this training for someone else?

")); // Target unopened tabs with a href jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#refresh-online').click(function() { $('#tab-title-upsell a').trigger('click'); $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $('.woocommerce-tabs.wc-tabs-wrapper').offset().top }, 1000); }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#refresh-kit').click(function() { $('#tab-title-kit_upsell a').trigger('click'); $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $('.woocommerce-tabs.wc-tabs-wrapper').offset().top }, 1000); }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#refresh-ttt').click(function() { $('#tab-title-ttt_upsell a').trigger('click'); $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $('.woocommerce-tabs.wc-tabs-wrapper').offset().top }, 1000); }); }); //add online buttons jQuery('VIEW OUTLINE').appendTo(jQuery('.online .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper')); //add online upsell jQuery('

See all training options

We also offer DIY training kits and train the trainer courses.

View Different Training Options
').appendTo(jQuery('.online .product_cat-on-osha .woocommerce-product-details__short-description, .online .product_cat-on-spanish .woocommerce-product-details__short-description')); jQuery('

See all training options

We also offer DIY training kits and train the trainer courses.

View Different Training Options
').appendTo(jQuery('.online .product_cat-on-canada .woocommerce-product-details__short-description ul')); //add kit buttons jQuery('
').appendTo(jQuery('.kit .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper')); //add kit upsell jQuery('

See all training options

We also offer online training and train the trainer courses.

View Different Training Options
').appendTo(jQuery('.kit .woocommerce-product-details__short-description')); //add ttt button jQuery('VIEW OUTLINE').appendTo(jQuery('.ttt .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper')); //add TTT upsell jQuery('

See all training options

We also offer online training and DIY training kits.

View Different Training Options
').appendTo(jQuery('.ttt .woocommerce-product-details__short-description')); // //warning if user adds more then one online training to cart // jQuery('

If you are buying this course for more than one person, you need to create a company account.

We require customers with multiple users to create a company account. If you want to assign more than one of a specific course or training, you need to create a company account to continue with this purchase.

Company accounts are important. Without a company account, your trainees individual course progress will not be monitored. With a company account, you can assign courses to individual trainees, track their progress, get exam scores, and receive individual certificates for each trainee.

If you would like assistance creating your company account or have questions or concerns, call us at 208-252-5331

Create a Company Account.
').appendTo(jQuery('.online .woocommerce-error li')); // console.log("product script is loaded");